Alireza Emrani

Electronic engineer, Kerman University, 1998


Professional records


 Job title

Organization name


Technical expert

Payam Kish institute 1998- 2001
Automation manager Tourism areas organization 2001 up to now


Executive plans

Plan Title


Designing and producing Revolution-counter PCI card and presenting the related software to Kerman Bahonar University 1998
Designing and producing Analogue circuit for calculating algorithm, Kerman Bahonar University 1997
Designing and implementing the automation project on the base of .Net Object oriented programming system 2002
Implementing the Radio Web cast system from internal network, Kish free zone organization 1999
Starting the Mail server and offering the Electronic post in Kish Islan 1999
Supervising the Kish internet project through Emirate Alettesalat company 1999
Starting the first service of WAP in country and presenting it in Kish internet fair 2000
Designing the SAMAN automation software, tourism areas organization 2002
Designing the administrative automation software in web framework, tourism areas organization 2003